Main references
- The slides are self contained
- Within each slides you will find references to papers and recent research in the area as optional readings
- Optional background readings about the topic are below each module (see below). The full list of references is at the of each slide deck
For 3, I will refer to book chapter or survey articles as background readings. These can improve your understanding of the topic but are not mandatory. In particular, I will use parts of the following books (PDFs can all be found online).
- Imbens, Guido W., and Donald B. Rubin. Causal inference in statistics, social, and biomedical sciences. Cambridge University Press, 2015. (I will be using some of the chapters of this book to introduce concepts during the first couple of weeks of the course).
- Gerber, Alan S., and Donald P. Green. ``Field experiments: Design, analysis, and interpretation.” (2012). (I will be using some of the chapters of this book to introduce concepts for the analysis and design of experiments).
- Hernán MA, Robins JM (2020). Causal Inference: What If. Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall/CRC. (I will be using some of the chapters of this book to introduce some of the concepts discussed during the first couple of weeks of the course).
I will also refer sporadically to small sections of (whose PDF are freely available online)
- Lehmann and Romano (2005). Testing Statistical Hypothesis.
- Wainwright, Martin J. High-dimensional statistics: A non-asymptotic viewpoint. Vol. 48. Cambridge university press, 2019. (I will be using some sections of this book when discussing policy learning and non-asymptotic theory. The book is a useful reference if you are interested in doing research in econometrics.)
- Hastie, Trevor, Robert Tibshirani, and Martin Wainwright. Statistical learning with sparsity: the lasso and generalizations. CRC press, 2015.
- Lattimore, Tor, and Csaba Szepesvári. Bandit algorithms. Cambridge University Press, 2020.
- Pearl, Judea. Causality. Cambridge university press, 2009. (this is not available as PDF online but I will use it only in Module 2 and SLIDES on DAGs will be self-contained)
For writing the final essay, students are strongly encouraged to read
- Varanya Chaubey: The Little Book of Research Writing
The book introduces students to research writing.