Course Description

This course covers advanced topics in econometrics with a particular focus on topics in causal inference for applications in economics. The course is designed for students interested in pursuing research in applied and theoretical econometrics, statistics or computer science as well as for students with a solid background in econometrics or statistics interested in learning recent advances in causal inference for applied economic research. The first part presents topics in causal inference, starting from selection on observables, non-compliance, and then focusing on experimental design, and inference in experiments. The second part covers most advanced topics for semi-parametric estimation, heterogeneous treatment effects and policy learning, instrumental variables, panel data models, spillover effects. The class concludes with an overview of recent research in econometrics on the design of scientific communication. Readings for each topic will include theoretical papers in econometrics and papers in applied economic research that provide empirical examples of the method.

Main references

  1. The slides are self contained
  2. Within each slides you will find references to papers and recent research in the area as optional readings
  3. Optional background readings about the topic are below each module (see below). The full list of references is at the of each slide deck

For 3, I will refer to book chapter or survey articles as background readings. These can improve your understanding of the topic but are not mandatory. In particular, I will use parts of the following books (PDFs can all be found online).

I will also refer sporadically to small sections of (whose PDF are freely available online)

For writing the final essay, students are strongly encouraged to read

The book introduces students to research writing.


Please visit the class website for updated material/more info etc